“Green Screen and apps like DoInk allow children to create whatever they can imagine!”

-Tricia Fuglestad

It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience to watch educators around the world post about how they are using my new book with their students.  My goal with writing the book was to showcase some of the examples of how green screen can help students realize their imagination.

A book written for teachers that you can ACTUALLY give to students! @todd_burleson @MackinMaker @MackinTYSL #MakerEd #makerspace #greenscreen @DoInkTweets @WeVideo @TouchCastApp @TouchCast @TouchCastEdu pic.twitter.com/WzZLN73ghp

— Kristina A. Holzweiss (@lieberrian) March 16, 2018

Indeed! pic.twitter.com/DX7xwAGuV1

— Skokie MakerSpace (@SKmakers36) March 16, 2018

Tried the @DoInkTweets #Greenscreen app with our school building. Merry Christmas everyone! #ZISExperience @DijanaUrosevic pic.twitter.com/szogoNQAN4

— 🤖Clement Cheah🤖 (@CCCC_9999) December 15, 2017

I hoped that the book could serve as a launch pad. To continue this arc of creativity I’ve been exploring how to encourage educators and students.  I’ve become a passionate Twitter user.  It is my primary source of professional development.  I’ve been a part of and hosted several Twitter chats.  While I enjoy Twitter chats, the fast and furious pace doesn’t work for me.  I’m someone who mulls over questions and makes connections when my mind is disengaged.  I was pleasantly surprised then when I learned about a new type of chat: a “Slow Twitter Chat.”  I had heard the term before, but I learned more about them from New Zealand’s Virtual Learning Network website.

What is it?

A ‘Slow Chat’ is a week-long Twitter Chat that focuses on a particular topic.  Participants can respond to the questions and one another at their own pace throughout the week.

This type of chat makes sense to me and the way I think, and I hope it might work for you too!  To that end, I’ll be launching the first ever #greenscreenbookslowchat on Sunday, April 8th.  Our first theme is going to be getting started with green screen.

We are working with our sponsors to offer some awesome prizes including some copies of my green screen book and hopefully some terrific swag and more

Here’s a look at the questions for the first week:

I sure hope you’ll join us!

BONUS:  If you join in and register, you can enter to win copies of my book, registration licenses for green screen software and tons of great green screen swag.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click HERE to order the book!